A completely fresh—and urgently needed—approach to all our food problems, both global and individual. Read more on www.campaignforrealfarming.org
Everyone who is ever likely to be born on to this planet could be fed to the highest standards of nutrition and gastronomy—and this could be done without cruelty, or destroying our fellow creatures. By 2050 we will need to feed 9.5 billion people—which is as big as the world population is ever likely to get. To achieve this we need only to design farming expressly for the purpose—what in this book is called “Enlightened Agriculture”.
Good Food for Everyone Forever describes what’s needed, and why. Picking up from his earlier book, Feeding People is Easy, the author introduces his radically new “Campaign for Real Farming”, intended to bring about nothing less than “a people’s takeover of the world’s food supply”.
Colin Tudge says «In short: this book is intended not simply to inform and to stimulate but to invite everyone, from day one, to get involved. Our future is in our own hands. The powers-that-be have got it horribly wrong and we cannot afford to leave our affairs and our children’s lives in their hands.»
More on www.colintudge.com and www.campaignforrealfarming.org