A lively romp through the modern movement from literature to popular fiction.
Literature, Moderns, Monsters, Popsters and Us is a selection from more than one hundred articles, reviews and essays written by George Stade and first published in journals such as Partisan Review, Hudson Review, Paris Review, Harper’s, The Nation, the New Republic and the New York Times Book Review.
Stade challenges us with his controversial contention that “womanism” has triumphed over “manism” and his wit flies with a rip-roaring excursion into “snot, navel-fluff and toe-jam” in an examination of James Joyce’s Ulysses.
The collection includes:
- Frankenstein’s men and Dracula’s women
- The poetry of e e cummings and Sylvia Plath
- Frisch and Dürrenmatt
- McCarthyism
- Modern British fiction
- James Joyce’s Ulysses
- Hard-boiled dicks
- Football and aggression